Well + Co is a Wellness Collective; We are a collective of practitioners that offer a variety of alternative holistic healing tools and modalities - knowing wholeheartedly that the way we heal is as unique as each individual. 

Our bodies are incredibly intuitive, intelligent beings that are constantly communicating with us and somatic work, our work, is rooted in understanding and interpreting the language of the body. Do you ever feel like your body is trying to tell you something but you just cannot quite figure out what? That sensation in the pit of your stomach before a big meeting or the inexplicably over the top reaction in certain situations. This is an example of somatic intelligence, our body’s way of communicating to us. Well + Co is built around the idea that we can only begin to regulate, heal or change habits once we tap back into the intelligence of our bodies.

Spoiler alert: the answer isn't in some book or podcast or list or plan or cleanse - the power to heal is and has always been it’s always been inside of you. At well + co it is our mission to empower our clients to reclaim their agency, to learn to trust their bodies again and to do all of this in the safe container of intentional community - whether that is one on one in our individual sessions or in a group offerings.  We provide our clients with the tools to drop back into their bodies and navigate challenging situations in life by changing the narratives that hold them back. 

Our goal is to bridge ancient wisdom practices with modern day life to create individual healing practices and intentional communities for real and lasting health and healing.  

At Well + Co we believe that small, intentional shifts change everything! Our company was founded by two busy working moms turned entrepreneurs who know all too well the demands of raising a family, building a career and finding balance in this modern day landscape. In a world where that elusive concept of balance can feel perpetually just out of reach, we believe it is the small shifts that change everything. We will provide you with the tools to help you access your most authentic goals and desires and we will help you to build your community of like minded people - we were never meant to do this alone and we don't have to! 

Some of the tools we offer include somatic therapy, holistic health coaching, reiki, breathwork, sound healing, meditations, community gatherings, rituals, and so much more! Curious to learn more? Let’s chat!