I believe we are all on a journey back to ourselves.  There is a deep knowing that we are born with and that resides in all of us just waiting to be uncovered.  Like so many, my pathway to this work, and in life,  has not been linear.  I have always had a deep interest in wellness and alternative ideas around healing - however as the pressures of choosing a major and career path mounted, I did, as many young students do, and followed the path that seemed to make the most logical sense. I began my career in Public Health working for several non profits, spent some time abroad studying health coaching and working with clients before taking time off to have my kids.   

In the years I spent raising my three boys I became deeply absorbed in the very important work for raising good humans.  I  was deeply in love with and dedicated to motherhood,  but it was also becoming obvious to me that I had lost a big part of myself and I was beginning to feel the effects.  I often felt detached from my body, I felt a vague sense of longing for something more (not something entirely different) but  something more true, this itchy restless feeling for the sense of purpose I once felt beyond the role of mother. Those early interests in things like spirituality and movement practices and ancient healing traditions that had interested me in my early years. I began reading, researching and experimenting with all kinds of books and theories on various healing modalities - I always had a podcast going, another personal development book in the que.  Hoping that the solution to my discontent would be magically waiting in the very next episode, the next chapter.  It was deep into this search that I discovered Somatic work and almost entirely by accident! 

I literally happened into my very first  breathwork class by chance (though I’m sure now it was very much meant to be), with my new friend at the time Keely Wallis. At the time we had no idea what we were getting ourselves into. I can honestly say I was forever changed that night.  Brethwork allowed me to tap into a part of my psyche that I hadn't truly experienced since childhood.  It gave me this brief yet beautiful window into a deeper understanding of myself and my purpose - A knowing that all was ok. That I was ok.  It was equal parts liberating and mind blowing and opened up my body to an entirely new field of understanding. We both enrolled in breathwork facilitator training within the year!  

And so this gorgeous  journey into Somatics began, Somatics has taught me how to deeply listen to my body again. It has helped me to uncover the wise knowing  inside of me, to remember what it felt like to feel truly engaged and alive in my own body.  How to peel back the layers of culture and conditioning and truly trust myself again. There is no greater service in this world than being your authentic self, I believe it is the biggest gift that we can give ourselves, our families and the world. I feel so lucky to be doing this work. There is nothing more fulfilling than helping women, like myself, who may have lost a bit of themselves along the way, to reclaim that beautiful, wild soul who knew exactly what she wanted and why.  Who trusted herself implicitly. 

As a somatic practitioner I utilize a variety of tools and healing modalities to help clients peel back the layers of story and conditioning so that they too can find that still place of knowing inside.  You already know exactly what you need to do to be your most authentic self, the answer does not exist out there in a book or a podcast or in the sage advice of anyone else.  It is and has always been inside of you. I’m simply here to stand by your side in awe as you slowly uncover her.  There is so much beauty and power in this journey. In all of our gorgeous, messy, complicated  journeys back to Self.  We were never meant to do this alone, and lucky for us, we don't have to!  Curious to learn more? Let’s chat!  


Trauma Informed Somatic Therapy Practitioner - Embodied Healing Academy

Health Coach - Wellcoaches

Reiki Practitioner: Reiki I & II Attuned: Lara Elliott

Breathwork Facilitator: Embodied Healing Academy

Sound Healing: Behind the Lids


On paper, I am a certified Trauma Informed Somatic Therapy Practitioner, Integrative Nutrition Holistic Health Coach, Reiki Practitioner, Breathwork Facilitator and Sound Healer. But in person, I am just someone who wants to help, to heal, to hold space - to do for others as others have done for me. 

My journey to this point has been just that, a journey. I have always had a passion for nutrition, health and wellness but my path here didn’t start in the wellness space. I spent close to two decades working in Production Management in the entertainment industry. The latter part of my career was spent as the Director of Production at a company that specialized in live sport broadcasts and branded content creation. But as many working moms with two little ones at home often do, I found myself completely depleted, stressed and running on empty. That feeling mixed with the constant travel for work weighed heavily on me both physically and mentally and I found myself struggling with a slew of strange symptoms that after endless doctors visits no one couldn’t make sense of.

I had no answers but intuitively knew something was wrong. I felt hopeless. I couldn’t slow down so life did it for me. This time of trying to heal an unknown illness forced me to take a look at every aspect of my life from my environment inward. I knew I needed a new path to healing and I became my own advocate and healer, taking my journey into my own hands. I found incredible holistic medical professionals and practitioners who helped me understand and address the way stress was affecting my body. I was finally diagnosed with stress-induced adrenal fatigue and hormone imbalances and my mystery illnesses that had plagued me finally made itself known. With this clarity, I was able to begin my journey back to myself.

As you begin a healing journey, you start to peel back the layers of why we operate the way we do and coping mechanisms become glaringly obvious. I had spent the better half of my 20s hustling to build a rewarding career so much so that I neglected some of my most emotionally pivotal life moments to survive through them. I lost my stepdad to cancer in my early 20s and my mom and best friend suddenly and unexpectedly passed two years after him. I dealt with it the only way I knew how to - push through it, work harder  and keep busy. The problem with unresolved grief is it doesn’t exit the body, it merely finds new places to hide and if left unresolved can manifest itself into physical symptoms.

Thankfully, I recognized this and began my journey to addressing my internalized trauma caused by sudden and excruciating loss. It started small, little daily shifts and adjustments, but these seemingly insignificant minute changes lead to big, life-altering actions and suddenly everything began to align. I left my career in the entertainment industry, not because I didn’t love it - you can love something and know that it’s no longer meant for you - both things can be true. 

On my own path to heal I studied and became a certified Integrative Nutrition Holistic Health Coach. I love food, I love to cook and I am fascinated by foods' ability to not only bring people together but heal. I use an integrative approach and believe that health is as bio-individual as we all are. No one heals the same and every plan I provide for clients is unique to their individual needs. 

On my own journey to heal, I was introduced to Somatic work and this is when huge shifts really started to set in. Oftentimes the things we think are troubling us or holding us back are not the problem, it’s typically the emotion behind it that leads us to the biggest shifts.. As a Somatic Therapy Practitioner, we dive deep into your body's innate wisdom to find where we are disconnected in our bodies and need to be reconnected. There are endless somatic tools that I use to help regulate, heal or change habits using our bodies intelligence as our guide to pinpoint those areas that need attention. 

As a holistic practitioner, there are a variety of alternative holistic healing tools and modalities I use to help bring your nervous systems back into a parasympathetic state, clear blockages, reduce stress and work through trauma and grief. Unfortunately, most of us live most of our lives in a sympathetic state which is the fight-or-flight response that becomes the default setting of how our body's nervous system responds to stress. Living in this state continuously is where we fall off balance and are susceptible to a whole host of issues and illnesses. 

It is my mission to offer support to drained moms, busy working parents trying to manage it all and career driven individuals suffering from burnout, because I have been there and know all too well the toll stress can take on our bodies.  

The most important thing about the type of practitioner I am is that it’s my mission to give you the tools to reclaim your health, happiness and vitality in a way that is sustainable and practical for you. I adore my clients but I don’t want them to continuously need me to feel better. I want to empower and teach them the tools to make lasting changes on their own. 

Well + Co was built around the idea that the power to heal is and has always been inside of you. We are just the vehicle to teach you the tools to get back to you!


Trauma Informed Somatic Therapy Practitioner - Embodied Healing Academy

Integrative Nutrition Holistic Health Coach - Institute of Integrative Nutrition

Reiki Practitioner: Reiki I & II Attuned: Holy Fire Reiki

Breathwork Facilitator: Embodied Healing Academy

Sound Healing: Behind the Lids