Somatic Therapy

The body has an intelligence, a memory. Somatic work is a practice of allowing ourselves to be held in the intelligence of the body. To feel deeply the sensations and emotions that create our experiences and our stories. It is, at its core, a process of uncovering, a peeling back of the layers of culture and conditioning and expectation until the core of who you are and what you deeply want is revealed. Somatic therapy can be particularly helpful when dealing with stress, tension, trauma, unprocessed grief, and difficult emotions. Somatic therapy sessions are highly individual and might typically include; nervous system regulation methods, shadow work, inner child healing, mask work, aspecting, and more.

Health Coaching

Bring your body back into balance through sustainable and practical practices. Our bodies have the ability to heal themselves if we give them the tools to do so. Our health coaching is as bio individual as you, which means not one person is the same and not one person heals the same way. Not one person needs the same diet, supplements, style of workouts, or mindfulness practices; we all require different things. We believe in an individual holistic approach based on your needs at this moment in time. We begin with a comprehensive health history and work with you to decipher goals and set-up a customized plan to help you achieve these goals. Our offerings are customizable but you can expect to work with your health coach for a minimum of three months on a bi-weekly basis.


A somatic tool used to access deeply held emotion and memory. Through the process of activating breathwork we temporarily quiet the thinking brain (our prefrontal cortex) in an effort to allow our ‘feeling’ brain (the amygdala and hippocampus) to speak through the release of deeply held memory and emotions. Somatic tools like breathwork can help us to strip away the story and tap into the deeper knowing held in the body. By doing this we often release unprocessed emotions, trauma, grief, etc. Through activating and restorative we regulate our nervous system and bring it back into a parasympathetic state. We relieve stress, clear negative and stuck emotions.


Universal life energy. A healing practice and art that creates a sacred space for the movement of energy through the body promoting stress relief, relaxation and deep healing. A reiki session will typically include a light non-invasive touch with our practitioner's hands placed and held in a series of positions on and/or above your body. Your practitioner might start with a guided meditation to drop you into your practice and your session can be customized accordingly based on your needs.

Guided Meditation

The practice of gently guiding the mind into a place of peace, calm and non- judgment. Oftentimes we live completely detached from our bodies. We are constantly busy moving from one task to another, which creates a disconnect and over time a complete detachment from our emotions. Guided meditation is a quick and effective way to drop back into our bodies, identify our emotions and can help us release stress or move stuck and stagnant emotions. Often used as a tool in connection with other services however is it an extraordinary and somewhat simple practice that we incorporate constantly in our offerings.

Visualizations and Manifestations

Visualization is the simple art of creating a strong mental image of a future event. While manifestation is based on the basic principle that our thoughts and feelings create our reality. What we put into the universe we get back. Both techniques are used often in our offering, therapy sessions and coaching offerings.

Healing in Community

True healing (this process of uncovering our true selves) is an inside job, but we cannot do it alone. For thousands of years we have gathered in circles, in sacred communities as a way to create, to relate and to thrive. As human beings we are biologically programmed to desire authentic connection - we literally cannot live without it. It is our goal at well + co to provide various community healing opportunities.

Sound Healing

An ancient healing practice used as medicine for thousands of years. Sound healing uses the power of vibrational sound to calm the nervous system and quiet the mind. The vibrations of the instruments evoke a theta state in your brain. When a person's brain is in a theta state they are in a very deep state of relaxation. Some of the benefits when you are in a theta state are you may feel a heightened connection to self, release physical and mental tension. This state also enables the brain and body to rest, heal and process emotions.


At Well + Co we believe in creating sacred space for ourselves and our communities and much of this work is done in sacred ritual. The lighting of a candle. The taking of a deep breath before we begin each session. Tiny moments of intention that create special and sacred space. These simple practices elevate our experience from the realm of routine to the realm of the sacred. Little bits of magic woven throughout the day, our decisions and offerings. Ritual has been an essential part of human existence since the beginning of time and yet in our modern day lives we have forgotten its place, its power. We practice rituals in tiny ways everyday, the morning cup of coffee or tea prepared a certain way, a calming bath at the end of a long day, the simple gratitude practice before sharing a meal. The practice of intentionally creating space and time to do something with deep care and intention can be as simple as an intentional morning cup of coffee or as in depth as a fully curated healing session. Because rituals have seemed to become an ancient art it’s our intention to not only bring them purposefully into our offerings to create special and unique experiences but also give you the tools to be able to create some of these transformational practices at home.